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Corporate training

Anti-competitive agreements often lack formality, with parties rarely meeting or directly communicating. However, any coordinated actions, information exchange, or shared intentions may constitute illegal collusion. The Competition Act 2010 prohibits such agreements and the abuse of dominant market positions, making competition law violations a serious offense with hefty fines for companies.


Empower your employees with our Competition Law Compliance Training Course, designed to enhance their understanding of anti-competitive practices, how to avoid them, and the importance of speaking up against such behaviour. Our training includes reviewing or drafting your existing corporate manual (if any) and preparing your staff to handle raids conducted by competition authorities.


Our training can be tailored to each business, generally encompassing the following topics;


  • What is Competition Law

  • Understanding the Competition Act 2010

  • Purpose for organizations and individuals

  • Identifying anti-competitive activity

  • Reporting anti-competitive practices

  • Types and examples of anti-competitive practices

  • Supply chain relationships

  • Price Fixing, bid rigging, market division etc

  • Identifying target market

  • Understanding abuse of dominance

  • Joint ventures and its potential impact

  • Benefits of competition law to organization

  • Understanding the impending merger control law


and many more.


Contact us for further inquiries.

Retainer services

Our legal retainer service covers a wide range of matters, including compliance advisory, contract drafting, legal opinions, contract negotiations, general advisory services through phone or meetings, correspondence drafting, and legal compliance audits. We tailor our services to meet your specific industry, needs, and requirements.


Our advisory services are designed to be flexible, allowing clients to engage with us on an ad hoc, project-based, or monthly basis subject to their individual requirements and budgetary considerations.


For further information, we encourage you to contact us via email or reach out to us directly.


We look forward to your queries.

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